Monday, January 18, 2016

Welcome to Graphic Design I

Important things to do this week:

-Read through the class syllabus linked from the list of links in the upper right of the blog.

-Post a bio and hello to this blog.  Include a statement of what you hope to learn in this class.

-Secure a copy of  Photoshop CC ... .  Any version after Photoshop 5 will do, and that goes back a long way.  If you have ordered it from an online vendor and are waiting for it, you can download a free copy good for 30 days from  After you get your copy, just input the serial number when you start it up.  You could get by for the next 8 weeks by getting a copy of Photoshop CC for a 30 day free trial, then sign up for the $9.99/month offer... then quit the service before the 2nd 30 days is up.... .... Once you start using it though I am sure you'll want to have a copy for yourself.

-Post a 1 paragraph review of a graphic design artist found either at the Museum of Graphic Design or through one of the links on the syllabus.  Include an image from their work.  This will count as 1 attendance record and your Bio will count as the other for the first week.  After that, your creative work that you'll post will count toward attendance.  There are two attendance records generated each week.

-Watch some of the videos on how to use Photoshop, posted in the syllabus.

-Let me know if you have any concerns or if you don't know how to do something.  There is a video on how to post to this blog in the list of class links in the upper right hand corner where other important links are located.

-All work is due by Sunday night when you go to bed.  I check the work each Monday morning and take attendance then.  As you know, the college is very strict about attendance and if you have 4 absences, (two weeks) they remove you from class...

Looking forward to getting this class launched!


  1. Good morning classmates and professor.

  2. My name is Dawn M. Snowden. I am in what I think is my senior year here at Albertus. My major is Sociology with a concentration in Socialwork.

    I am very excited about taking this class as it is completely new territory for me. I have no idea what to expect and that intrigues me.

    I am however a little nervous because I work full time and am a single mother of 6 so finding the time to get things done is as you can imagine a not so easy task.

    I hope to learn a lot from this class and look forward to seeing what everyone else in class can do creatively!

    1. Hi Dawn.... wow... 6 children! that looks like the size of the class I'm teaching in the photo...

      I'll repost your hello as a post that folks can see rather than as a comment to my post...


  3. Hello Professor Nevins
    My name is Evelyn Massey just came on board (New Kid on the block).....dropped one class and picked up Graphic Design I wanted to give it a shot, but I must tell you I am scared straight!!!! I am a communications major senior with no graphic experience, I am a professional makeup artist and business owner. I have a daughter who is a theater major at Eastern Connecticut State College. I'm looking forward to this new adventure. Thank you!

    1. Welcome Evelyn! Hopefully you'll find that the videos I made for each project will help you feel right at home...

    2. Oh yayyyyy!!!!! Ok I'm doing something right!!!! Hello Professor! I will take it one step at a time!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Natasha,

    I was hoping that everyone would create a new post for their bio and fill it out a little...

    1. Hi I have been on the computer for literally all day and still cannot figure out how to post my design. I am sorry the bio is so short I will lengthen it, I know its because I am trying to figure out how to post the jpeg.


    She was born in New York and raised in Ridgefield CT. Jessica went to Ridgefield school of design which is where she graduated. Jessica began decoding and designing websites at age 11. Jessica Walsh career accelerated very fast. Her hard work has landed her in print magazine, the New York Times and New York Times magazine. By age 25 she made partner at Sagmeister. Jessica Walsh has earned many awards for her design. Recently in 2014 she won for best home and welcome page at her company where she is partner Safmeister. Walsh teaches in NY City at the School of Visual Arts in New York.

  7. Introduction

    Hello my name is Natasha. I am a senior here at Albertus, and I am excited about graduating. I always loved making fliers on the computer using power point, so I am interested and learning how to advance my technology skills. I am also nervous about learning how to use the new soft ware. I look forward to learning and seeing what cool designs come out of the class.
