Sunday, January 31, 2016

Jon Hicks was known for designing the logo Mozilla Fire Fox in its final form.  Jon has his own design studio called Hicksdesign.  He is an English designer who got an early start at the age of 16 in the graphic design field. 
Jon first begin at a couple design companies but begin doing freelance and started his own company.
According to Wikipedia “In September 2008 Jon worked as Senior Designer for Opera Software, improving the Macintosh interface for the company Opera’s browser”. Also in February 2010 he wrote in a blog post that after working on a long term project he got the itch do something different. For that reason he stopped working full-time at Opera and does freelance work again.

Stamp attempts 2

First two stamps slid into template fine.  My last two pictures are not transferring.  I do not know why?

Saturday, January 30, 2016

My Stamp Collection

Julian House

Julian House is another Graphic Designer after my own heart as he is also a musician, and the co-owner of the record label, Ghost Box Music.

He is most known for his album cover designs (something I would love to get into to) for a lot of big name artists like Sterolab, Oasis, and the Prodigy.

He is influenced by many different artists from many different disciplines. Which has had an effect on his work which is primarily collage-based work.

He also releases music under an alias and in essence is living my dream.

First Stamp Attempt

                                                     First attempt at creating my stamp.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Alan Fletcher

Alan Gerald Fletcher

September 27, 1931 – September 21, 2006

Mr. Fletcher was a highly regarded British graphic designer. He worked with many companies some of which are Pirelli, Penguin books and Olivetti. Mr. Fletcher studied his craft at four art schools from 1953 – 1956, Hammersmith School of Art, Central School of Art, Royal School of Art and Yale School of Art and Architecture at Yale University. Mr. Fletcher not only worked, as a graphic designer, but wrote several books about graphic design and visual thinking. When Alan Fletcher passed away “The Daily Telegraph” wrote the following statement, describing his career; "The most highly regarded graphic designer of his generation, and probably one of the most prolific". 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Herbert Bayer

Herbert Bayer......A sculptor and interior designer born (April 5,1900- September 30 1985) Herbert Bayer was also a photographer in his own right, his Austrian and American graphic design includes environmental and architect. He was a man of many art talents.
Being a makeup artist I love this "Harper Bazaar cover, a variety of lipstick shades in beautiful hues! this was brilliantly done by Bayer!
Bayer's  career extended in New York City where he mastered different aspects of graphic arts.

Evelyn Massey's first piece

Hi Everyone... Evelyn is with me in my office and I just showed her how to get around in Photoshop for the first project....

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Graphic designer


She was born in New York and raised in Ridgefield CT.  Jessica went to Ridgefield school of design which is where she graduated.  Jessica began decoding and designing websites at age 11.  Jessica Walsh career accelerated very fast.  Her hard work has landed her in print magazine, the New York Times and New York Times magazine.  By age 25 she made partner at Sagmeister.  Jessica Walsh has earned many awards for her design.  Recently in 2014 she won for best home and welcome page at her company where she is partner Sagmeister.  Walsh teaches in NY City at the School of Visual Arts in New York.

Have to play with it some more, but here is my first try


Natasha KelleyJanuary 24, 2016 at 10:06 AM Hello My Name is Natasha Kelley and I am a senior. Not sure if I am posting right please let me know if I am. Thank you ReplyDelete
Image result for What should I know about jessica Walsh
            Jessica Walsh is a 29 year old American graphic designer living in New York City.  She became a partner at design studio, Sagmeister & Walsh, when she was only 25 years old and also teaches at the School of Visual Arts in New York City.  She is known for her provocative, fearless design aesthetic and her work can be seen on billboards, in advertising campaigns, and museums as well as other places. Being a native Rhode Islander I was surprised to find out she graduated from Rhode Island School of Design.  She’s earned numerous awards in recognition of her work including Complex’s 25 People Shaping the Future of Design in 2013 and the Art Directors Club’s Young Gun Award in 2011.  Most recently, Warner Bros. has acquired the film rights of her side-project called “40 Days of Dating”.  A Project in which she and a fellow graphic designer dated one another for 40 days in an attempt to address  and conquer issues that relationships encounter and maybe end up in a relationship afterward.  The project ended with both deciding they would be better off as friends. She actually felt the project helped her become more in tune with herself and prompted her to work on her overall wellbeing.

            In preparing to write this short biography of Jessica Walsh I watched a short documentary about her and found out she grew up in a household with parents who were very business oriented and she was kind because she was artsy.  She does however state that her mom her mom most certainly supported her in her pursuit of becoming an artist.  She also moved to New York City, directly after graduating from college.

How to post link fixed

Natasha emailed me to let me know the link to How to post to the blog was not working... all set now... by accident there were two http://'s instead of one for the url... (http://
              April Greiman

  April Greiman is a contemporary designer. April is known to be innovative and is most known for introducing New Wave design to America. April is also known to be one of the first to use technology as a designing tool. Her work has been viewed from the U.S. to Paris. Places her work was viewed from are Visual School of Arts in NYC, the Passadena Museum of Art in California, and “Elles” at Centre Pompidou in Paris. April was born in New York City and received her education at Kansas City Art Institute. In the 1970’s she enrolled at Allgemeine Kunstgewerberschule Basel School of Design in Switzerland.

From April’s learning in Switzerland she was able to transform America into a new era of digital design. In 1976 she founded Made in Space which is a multi-disciplinary approach. April was fearless in the design world and embraced the new age of technology. April used pixilation and forms of digitization for parts of her design work when others were afraid. Not only was she innovative in design she also was a voice for the future designers. In 1981 she became head of the design department of The California Institute of the Arts and then lobbied to change the department name to Visual Communications. This was to lessen the limitations for our future graphic designers. 

Image result for april greiman design work

The design on the left I found to be very interesting. At first I did not realize that the two images went together. When reading about the image I also learned the significance of rice in many cultures. 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Stanley Donwood

This week the artist that I choose was Stanley Donwood. To be honest he was a random choice, but it was a really good random choice as it turns out that he is the creator of all of Radiohead's album art. Apparently he has been since the beginning along with front man Thorne Yorke.

His art has been featured in multiple and various museums, and he has even tried his hand at running a recording studio...which didn't quite work out, but at least he tried, right?

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Massimo Vignelli

Massimo Vignelli                            
     January 10, 1931 – May 27, 2014

Massimo Vignelli was an Italian designer who worked in manufacturing design areas ranging from packaging, housewares and furniture design. He also worked in public signage and showroom design. He was the co-founder of Vignelli Associates, with his wife, Lella. Massimo’s philosophy was, "If you can design one thing, you can design everything," and this was reflected in the broad range of his work.
Vignelli worked firmly within the Modernist tradition. His focus was on simplicity through the use of basic geometric forms. His clients at Vignelli Associates included companies such as IBM, Knoll, Bloomingdales and American Airlines to name a few.  
In August 1972, Vignelli's well know design of the New York City Subway Map made its appearance on the walls of subway stations and became a landmark of information design. Vignelli regarded the map as one of his best creations.

Massimo Vignelli with R. Roger Remington at the Vignelli Center for Design Studies, RIT, where he was awarded an honorary doctorate in fine arts.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Hello All,

My name is April Hellyar and I am a senior at Albertus. I am a marketing student and can't wait to see how this class can bring out a more artistic side to me. I am excited to learn Photoshop as I have never used it before. Originally I was to take Promotional marketing as a required course and Albertus was not offering it the second half so I was given this class as a substitute. I am really looking forward to this as it will be a true learning experience for me.

The Journey Begins...

Hello my name is Richard, but I go by Jeff. I am a senior here at Albertus, and will be graduating this December.

 I am a web developer, and have been for over 11 years. I have a lot of hobbies but I would have to say I am mostly a musician. I have always had a thing for art, and will probably always be in a career that involves it in some way shape or form.

I recently took intro to computer art, and learned so many new and interesting things in that class I wanted to keep the party going so here I am. I am looking forward to expanding on my knowledge from my first class and learning even more with Photoshop and all the amazing things it can do.
Hi my name is Scott Neeley,

I am currently a senior at Albertus and will be graduating in May of this year. Currently I work at Schick Manufacturing in Milford, as the Facility Supervisor.

I have taken two dimensional design with Professor Nevins about a year ago and I really enjoyed that class. I am looking forward to this class and learning more techniques in Photo Shop that I can carry over into my daily activities.

Often I am called upon to create posters and create signage around the manufacturing facility where I work. This Graphic Design class will definitely help me, achieve better results.

Dawn posted this in the comment section of my post... I'm reposting here...

My name is Dawn M. Snowden. I am in what I think is my senior year here at Albertus. My major is Sociology with a concentration in Socialwork.

I am very excited about taking this class as it is completely new territory for me. I have no idea what to expect and that intrigues me.

I am however a little nervous because I work full time and am a single mother of 6 so finding the time to get things done is as you can imagine a not so easy task.

I hope to learn a lot from this class and look forward to seeing what everyone else in class can do creatively! 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Welcome to Graphic Design I

Important things to do this week:

-Read through the class syllabus linked from the list of links in the upper right of the blog.

-Post a bio and hello to this blog.  Include a statement of what you hope to learn in this class.

-Secure a copy of  Photoshop CC ... .  Any version after Photoshop 5 will do, and that goes back a long way.  If you have ordered it from an online vendor and are waiting for it, you can download a free copy good for 30 days from  After you get your copy, just input the serial number when you start it up.  You could get by for the next 8 weeks by getting a copy of Photoshop CC for a 30 day free trial, then sign up for the $9.99/month offer... then quit the service before the 2nd 30 days is up.... .... Once you start using it though I am sure you'll want to have a copy for yourself.

-Post a 1 paragraph review of a graphic design artist found either at the Museum of Graphic Design or through one of the links on the syllabus.  Include an image from their work.  This will count as 1 attendance record and your Bio will count as the other for the first week.  After that, your creative work that you'll post will count toward attendance.  There are two attendance records generated each week.

-Watch some of the videos on how to use Photoshop, posted in the syllabus.

-Let me know if you have any concerns or if you don't know how to do something.  There is a video on how to post to this blog in the list of class links in the upper right hand corner where other important links are located.

-All work is due by Sunday night when you go to bed.  I check the work each Monday morning and take attendance then.  As you know, the college is very strict about attendance and if you have 4 absences, (two weeks) they remove you from class...

Looking forward to getting this class launched!