Sunday, January 24, 2016

              April Greiman

  April Greiman is a contemporary designer. April is known to be innovative and is most known for introducing New Wave design to America. April is also known to be one of the first to use technology as a designing tool. Her work has been viewed from the U.S. to Paris. Places her work was viewed from are Visual School of Arts in NYC, the Passadena Museum of Art in California, and “Elles” at Centre Pompidou in Paris. April was born in New York City and received her education at Kansas City Art Institute. In the 1970’s she enrolled at Allgemeine Kunstgewerberschule Basel School of Design in Switzerland.

From April’s learning in Switzerland she was able to transform America into a new era of digital design. In 1976 she founded Made in Space which is a multi-disciplinary approach. April was fearless in the design world and embraced the new age of technology. April used pixilation and forms of digitization for parts of her design work when others were afraid. Not only was she innovative in design she also was a voice for the future designers. In 1981 she became head of the design department of The California Institute of the Arts and then lobbied to change the department name to Visual Communications. This was to lessen the limitations for our future graphic designers. 

Image result for april greiman design work

The design on the left I found to be very interesting. At first I did not realize that the two images went together. When reading about the image I also learned the significance of rice in many cultures. 

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